In order for the MET to function at it’s best, it needs all types of people and skills. It needs people to do specific tasks and well, so that the rest of the team can have confidence in their actions, enabling the rest of the force in turn to do their job well too. Becoming a PC is not only in itself an achievement but is a gateway to whole array of other more specialised fields of work, which many candidates will eventually progress into. The MET wish to attract applicants for their nature and background as well as their qualifications.
This idea focuses on inner qualities and strengths of individuals and the relevance of them working within the MET. So, in order to create a more engaging message we used images and footage to find moments where people displayed their inner strengths.
We combined this imagery with an infographic, displaying proportional qualities typically needed for the role. By doing this it showed how achievable becoming a PC can be.
We combined this imagery with an infographic, displaying proportional qualities typically needed for the role. By doing this it showed how achievable becoming a PC can be.